Thursday, February 27, 2014


Yes; pain will sting you, bad things will happen, people will hurt you, and your heart will sometimes be burdened with heavy loads. BUT GOD offers to meet you in the messy thick of it. Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29)

Let's Pray:
Dear Lord, I admit that I sometimes fear the unexpected and do not fully trust in your perfect will. I know that you see the end from the beginning and that your thoughts are not my thoughts (Is. 55:8-9) Forgive me for my lack of faith and please teach me to trust in you so that when the unexpected storms of life come, I will expect peace in the midst of those storms (Mark 4:37-40) knowing that you are near, you hear my cries, and you are with me and for me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

According to this verse (Mark 4:37-40), "perfect peace" comes from focusing our minds upon the Lord. What a promise that is! Find some verses about God's nature and His promises to you and write them in a journal or a special place where you can refer to them when life hits you with the unexpected. Use these verses to meditate on God through your trials to experience His peace!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." (Isaiah 43:1-3)


"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:17-18)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


God did not run out of grace at the dawn of humankind. And He will not run out of grace for you or for me. He does not want us to ever stay in a perpetual state of sin and despair. We were not created with a food struggle or physical cravings because God is angry at us. It is because He loves us so much that He allows our struggle with food to be a physical indication of a spiritual situation. God is asking for us to go to a new place as well — and it is a place of grace!

Receive grace and let it wash away all shame and guilt from every unhealthy choice you've ever regretted and fretted over. Yes, there is work to do and progress to be made, but we will walk from here with a clean slate.

This grace and the unfathomable depth of God's love settle me. Breathes hope into my dread. And trust into my doubts.

So when I stumble along on this journey, I know this grace is there for me,
and I will come running back. And once again, it will give me a soft place to

Dear Lord, thank You for Your grace. Help me to rely on You in the midst of my struggle today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, February 24, 2014


If you are uncertain about God’s will, perhaps waiting for more clarity can help. But there are many things that God is already very clear about. If you focus on obeying the parts of God’s will that you know, you may find that what you don’t know becomes clearer, or maybe doesn’t matter anymore. Today the Bible will go a long way in helping you understand what God’s will is. As you learn to obey it, you’ll hear God’s voice more clearly because it will be in harmony with what he’s already said.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I remember the first time I saw the movie, "Peter Pan." I was a little girl,
totally mesmerized by the character of Peter. I wanted to be just like him.
After the movie was over, I immediately ran into my back yard and jumped out of a tree – trying to fly! Fortunately, nothing was broken, and I quickly
decided I could be contented with being like Peter in other ways. I
immediately vowed never to grow up. I agreed with Peter that the adult world seemed frightening; it was very large and demanding, completely beyond my control.

The same principle is true when it comes to our spiritual development and
growth. If the desire to grow isn't present in our lives, there's something
wrong with our spiritual health.  Healthy Christians grow and mature. It's
natural for the Christian to grow and mature in Christ. God not only wants us to grow, He commands us to do so.

The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the church at Corinth, correcting them for their childish attitudes about the spiritual gifts of tongues, knowledge and Prophecy. He encouraged them to grow up, to put away these less mature gifts, and to seek the more mature gifts such as love, faith and hope.

We can apply this same encouragement to our lives today. It's time for us to become mature believers by putting away immature attitudes and actions. One of the most obvious marks of maturity or immaturity is how we use words. 

Mature believers don't speak like children. We never know exactly what a child is going to say, but we naturally expect childish words to come from children. Paul is saying that a great measurement of maturity for us as Christians is how well we use words. 

Our words need to be controlled. In the book of James, we find a sobering challenge.  "We all make many mistakes, but those who control their tongues can also control themselves in every other way" (James 3:2)

If we can control our tongues, we can control ourselves. James, a
disciple of Jesus, compares the tongue to the rudder on a ship, a bit in the
horse's mouth or a spark that starts a huge fire. The tongue is powerful and difficult to control.  Our words can give or destroy life.  Once a word is spoken, it is eternal.

Our words need to be encouraging. One of the highest responsibilities in the body of Christ is to practice encouragement. A word of encouragement may be a life preserver to someone drowning in a storm of life. 

Our words need to be truthful. Mark Twain said, "A lie can travel half way
around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." Lies hold us in
bondage while truth sets us free.

We need to be extremely careful what we say and how we say it because the spoken word is powerful. It can bless or curse, express praise or whisper slander. It can be a tool of blessing or a weapon of destruction. How we use the tongue is a dead give-away of our spiritual maturity. If we don't learn to control our tongue, it will control us.

I know! Maturity is hard work. It would be a lot easier to remain babies in
Christ, but in order to live a life of victory and honor God, we need to set
our minds and hearts on growing up spiritually.

The words we speak are direct indicators of our maturity level. Ouch! If you are like me, you really do want to use words as a gift of encouragement, but it is so easy to speak before we think.

Let's get into God's Word so we will have good things to speak. Let's pray diligently so we will be prepared to give a Godly verbal response. 

And when we fail, let's confess our frailty, celebrate God's strength…and
begin again.

Let's Pray:
Father, I confess that I am still childish and lack maturity in many areas of
my life. I now lay those areas before You, and ask that You take control.
Teach me Your ways. Lord. Help me control my tongue and speak words that encourage and build others up. Right now, I give myself anew to You and pray that in the days to come, I will grow up so that others will see You in my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.


"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21

Our hearts long to be loved. We want to know someone treasures and values us. Truly. Faithfully. Lavishly. Would someone, anyone, be willing to give up an
item of great value for us?

I'm stunned God willingly paid so much for me to know Him. It's mind-boggling to grasp that Jesus left His Father in heaven to come to this earth as a baby, then die by crucifixion. I can hardly comprehend a love that cost so much.

I can't imagine sacrificing any of my three children to save someone else's life. Yet Peter writes, "For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed ... but with the precious blood of Christ ..." (1 Peter 1:18-19)

What makes it even more costly is God the Father knew He would need to turn away from His son during Jesus' death.

When Jesus was hanging on a wooden cross, God the Father withdrew His presence because of the sin His Son bore on our behalf. Jesus cried out, "My God, my
God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46)
Shadow had come between Jesus and the Father. Jesus was excruciatingly alone on that cross because of you and me.

And the focus of that love? You and me.

May we pause in this moment to absorb the depth of God's love for us. And may our lives be filled with thankfulness that He was willing to pay the price!

Loving God, help me always remember that my only true worth is found in You. Thank You for the gift of Your Son; thank You for loving me so much that You thought I was worth Christ's life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

(from Bible Gateway)

Friday, February 21, 2014


Every time that we try to conquer God’s will in our way, we pay a great price. It's dangerous when we try to create our own destiny using our own strategy because we can destroy the good things that God has in store for us in His perfect timing.

Thursday, February 20, 2014



Dear God,
I lift Your sons and daughters up before You now. I am asking You to give them patience and peace as they waits for Your promises to come to pass in their life. Give them the gift of joy as they waits with great expectation for Your plans to unfold. Amen.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


My Beloved Son/ Daughter,

I have a plan and a promise for you, but only I can unfold it in your life. I have put desires in your heart and I have given you a hope to hold onto. 

I am asking you to let me prepare you and not take my plan in your hands. My timing is as important as my will for your life. I am asking you to hand me your anxiety because it will cause you to compromise.

I don't want you, my son/ daughter, to settle for less because you want it now. Lose yourself in my word and you won't lose sight of all I have for you. I promise that if you will wait on me you will not be disappointed!

Your Father in Heaven

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


“Let your conversation be always full of grace.” Colossians 4:6

Most marriage counselors emphasize communication as a foundation for a healthy relationship: Nothing should be withheld from the marital partner. There is wisdom in that advice provided it’s applied with common sense. It may be honest for a man to tell his wife that he hates her fat legs, her varicose veins, or the way she cooks. It’s honest for a woman to dump her anger on her husband and constantly berate him for his shortcomings and failures. But honesty that does not have the best interest of the other person at heart is really a cruel form of selfishness.

Some couples, in their determination to share every thought and opinion, systematically destroy the sweet spark of romance that once drew them together. They’ve lost any sense of mystique in the relationship.

So how does one express intimate feelings while avoiding too much honesty? Paul’s advice to all Christians works especially well for married partners:
“Let your conversation be always full of grace.”

Just between us…
Am I sometimes so honest with you that my words are hurtful?

Do you think there should be exceptions to telling “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” in marriage?

We know that God honors truthfulness, so how do we apply this to marital communication?

In what areas could we use more honesty and in what areas, more grace?

Heavenly Father, we know that truthfulness is Your will for our lives—but
please give us the wisdom to know when to speak the truth and when to keep it to ourselves. Amen.

Monday, February 17, 2014


I grew up in a Christian home, attending church just about every time the doors were open. I sang all of the right songs, spoke all of the right words, and did all of the right things in front of all the right people. I fervently prayed that my works would validate my faith and desperately hoped that by following the rules, I would please the Ruler.

It was not until middle age that the authentic life and spiritual integrity of a dynamic end-time Prophet and Apostle- Apostle Renato D. Carillo made me hunger and thirst for something more. I wanted to know God – not only as my Lord and King, but I wanted to know Him as my Shepherd, the one who would lead me, provide for me, and love me like no other. 

During a special evening revival service at our main Church, I sat in my usual spot, desperately clutching the back of the pew in front of me while wrestling with God over the condition of my soul and my eternal security. After all, I was a very active church member, a pianist for our worship services. I never missed a service.

I clung to that church pew in sheer arrogance and argued that I was a Christian. I must be. Look at all of the good things I had done. I looked liked a believer, talked like a believer, and even acted like I was fully
devoted to God … but was I? (Don't miss the answer to that question in my next devotion.)

Father, I confess that we have allowed fear and anxiety to fill our mind and heart. We want to trust You above all else. Please give us the faith to believe the promises in Your Word and the strength to take the first step of obedience. Help us remember that we a sheep, totally dependent upon You, our Shepherd. Thank You for Your perfect provision for my life.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


The thought of God loving me without any conditions was inconceivable, yet something deep in my soul told me it was true. I'd been looking for love that didn't have to be earned. Love I didn't have to fear losing.

Honestly, it was hard to see how God's love could fill the emptiness in my heart. It took time, but I came to understand that God created me with that need for fulfillment so He could meet it.

Will you invite Jesus to look into your heart today so He can show you what,who and where you might be looking to be filled and fulfilled? Then ask Him to fill and fulfill you with the promise and reality of His unfailing love instead.

Jesus, help me stop searching for fulfillment in anything or anyone but You. Will You satisfy me with Your unfailing love and help me depend on You to meet my deepest desires and needs. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


When I am afraid, Jesus Christ is there to bring peace. When my heart is broken, the Holy Spirit comforts and restores me.

Even when I found myself in a deep, dark pit of clinical depression, Jesus
Christ, my Shepherd, led me from the darkness into the light. 

I began to understand the incredible truth that Jesus Christ, the Good
Shepherd, had planned my very existence, prepared a plan in response to his
love for me, and even made provision for the payment of my past, present and
future sin.

I was wanted, chosen and marked for God.

I no longer had to live life on my own because I now had a Shepherd.

God's love precedes me, goes before me and surrounds me as I live each day.
Knowing that we are loved fosters peace in our hearts, and when our hearts are
filled with peace, there is little room for stress. 

Actually, when you think about it, sheep don’t come across as stressed-out
creatures. In fact, they seem almost oblivious to the dangers of being a
sheep. Sheep don’t seem to worry about where their next meal is coming from,
if they will have a place to sleep each night, when the next enemy or thief
will attack, or even what the next day holds. When sheep are sick, they simply
turn to their Shepherd, instinctively knowing that He will take care of them
and comfort them until healing comes. 

We need to remember and even revisit the fact that we are all sheep; that
Jesus Christ really is our Shepherd and that nothing else really matters. 

Let’s Pray:
I am so needy, Lord. Everywhere I turn, I am inadequate in my own strength,
power and abilities. I waste so much time and energy trying to be everything
You already are. Help me remember that I don’t have to depend upon my
sufficiency. I can always and forever depend on Yours alone. I am Your sheep.
And You are my Shepherd. Praise God!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


If you are currently in a relationship with a man, please ask yourself these questions before moving forward in your relationship:

1. Is this a man after God's heart? Where is He leading my heart and where am I leading his... closer to God or away from Him?

2. Is this relationship a distraction, destructive, or a detour from what matters most to me or what God may have planned for my life?

3. Do his words (spoken, written, or typed) or actions mislead me or manipulate my heart? Do I try to manipulate his heart?

4. Do I feel free to be myself or do I have to become someone I'm not to connect with him or get him to love and accept me?

5. Is this a pure relationship with pure motives that I will one day be proud of or do I compromise my moral convictions to feel connected to him?

6. Do I have peace about this relationship knowing God is glorified in this relationship or do I feel guilty about this relationship?

7. Where is the relationship going and where will it lead me in the next 5, 10, 15 years of my life. Is it worth the work it takes and the invested time to get there?

8. Do my friends and family believe He is the one for me and what would I think or how would I advise a friend if I was on the outside looking in to this relationship?


Single Friends: May your heart get so lost in Jesus that a man has to go to your Lord to find it.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Dear Precious Friend,

If Jesus were to write you a personal love letter it may read something like this:


My Eternal Bride,

I want to reveal a sacred secret to you, My beloved. Although I am your God, I am also your eternal Husband. I will come soon to carry you over the threshold into eternity. My desire is to lift the veil from your eyes that you might see who you really are, My Princess, My Bride. I am the Lover of your soul. I long to get close enough to give you a glimpse of My eternal love for you. If you will seek Me with all your heart, I will reveal Myself to you in extraordinary ways. If you will come before Me and ask, I will give you a new hope in your heart that will change your view of Me, of yourself, and of the world around you forever.

Your Creator and Husband

"The Lord All-Powerful, the Holy God of Israel, rules all the earth. He is your Creator and husband, and he will rescue you." - Isaiah 54:5 (CEV)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


“Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself.” Ephesians 5:33
To properly define the Godordained role of husbands, there’s no better place
to turn than Scripture. The apostle Paul instructs: “Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her
holy…. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own
bodies” (Ephesians 5:25–28). Paul also tells us “the husband is the head of
the wife as Christ is the head of the church” (Ephesians 5:23).

Here’s the bottom line of your responsibility as a husband: You are charged
with the holy, loving leadership of your wife. There is nothing dictatorial or
selfish in this prescription! Your love is to be so strong that it mirrors
Christ’s love for the church, so committed that you would unquestioningly die
to save her, and so powerful that it is indistinguishable from love of your

What a challenge! And what a privilege to join with God and your wife in this
holy partnership! For as you fulfill your role as head of the house, you’ll
encounter blessings you never imagined.

(husband) Heavenly Father, You have given me an awesome and holy
responsibility to love my wife just as Christ loved the church. Help me to
follow His perfect example as I learn to increase my love for my mate. Amen.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


God has not called you to the easy life. Jesus promised hardship for those who followed him (Luke 8:18-20; John 16:33). Life with God is not always simple, easy, or fun, but it’s worth it. What has God told you to do that you have
been putting off? Are you afraid? Lazy? Remember that God will be with you as you go. And the life that comes from him truly is life, even if it’s not “the good life.”

Monday, February 10, 2014


Every morning, I walk straight to my coffee mug and put a sachet of coffee in it. I'm a total coffee girl. I like a piping-hot, extra dark roast with half and half, and I struggle to function without my first cup of coffee. I crave that first sip and relish the warmth of the mug in my hands. I jokingly call it my "warm,
happy friend." My mornings just wouldn't be the same without coffee!
We should have the same attitude about our faith.  We should wake up each morning bursting at the seams to be with God, to be in His presence, to listen for His still small voice, to savor Him. A faith that is brewed fresh daily strengthens us, renews us, and enables us to mount up with wings like eagles, to experience the power of God in our lives, to run and not grow weary, to walk and not faint.
This energizing, percolated faith is readily available to all who ask, seek and knock (Matthew 7:7-8)

Like a morning with no coffee, there are times when we are sluggish in our faith. Times when trusting Him doesn't come easily. Times when we need a shot of God-caffeine in our day, a spiritual espresso. What can we do at these times? Are there things in the Scriptures that tell us how can we strengthen
our trust-muscles and jump-start our faith? Absolutely!
One practical way to build your faith is by remembrance. When David was just a shepherd boy, he had courage to face a giant partly because he remembered the previous victories the Lord allowed him to experience. He approached King Saul with great confidence, saying: The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine (1Sam 17:36)

Let's Pray:
Dear God, You have brought me through so many challenging times. Please remind me of Your faithfulness in the past so that I may have a fresh shot of faith that equips me to live today in Your strength. Help me to trust You, and keep me from leaning on my own understanding. In Jesus's name, amen.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Ezra 8:21–34

Lisa realized she needed to depend on God when she discovered she was pregnant. She was excited and happy—but the timing wasn’t perfect. Her husband had two years until he finished his degree. She was supporting both of them by
working two jobs. Whenever she thought about the future, she broke out in a cold sweat. How would they make the rent? Would she have to quit one of her jobs? Would her husband have to quit school? She decided that the best course was to pray for God to show them the way.

Ezra sets a great example for anyone facing an unknown future. Before he and a group of returning exiles began their 900-mile trek back to Jerusalem, they all fasted and prayed for a safe journey—literally, a “straight way.” They prayed for God’s favor and protection and trusted “God’s gracious hand” would
guide them.

God is also with you to guide you, regardless of your circumstances. Perhaps you’re venturing out, depending on God for the first time. Take a step of faith and follow where he leads. He will surely guide you to the next step ... and the next. You’ll discover that faith will lead you where reason may not.

Faith and reason have been compared to two travelers. Think of Faith as a woman who can walk 20 or 30 miles at a time without flagging, while Reason is a child who can only muster the strength to go two or three miles. One day Reason said to Faith, “Oh, Faith, let me walk with you.” But Faith replied,
“Oh, Reason, you can never walk with me!” Nevertheless, they set out together. When they came to a deep river, Reason said, “I can never ford this,” but Faith waded through it, singing. When they reached a high mountain, Reason despaired. But Faith carried Reason on her back. The writer of this old tale
said, “Oh, how dependent upon Faith is Reason!”

Why has God made faith the indispensable ingredient in our journey of faith? Perhaps so that we will become totally dependent upon him. Reason tells us to stay put. Faith calls us to step out, reassuring us that “no word from God will ever fail” (Luke 1:37).

How have you found that your reason some times interferes with your faith? What makes it difficult for you to depend on God?

How can prioritizing prayer in your life make a difference in preparing you for your faith journey?

Ezra 8:22–23 / I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, “The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him.” So we fasted and petitioned our God about
this, and he answered our prayer.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


“The head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and thehead of Christ is God.”
1 Corinthians 11:3

Among the most controversial Scriptures are those relating to a
wife’s obligation to “submit” to a husband’s leadership. This principle offends many women. Furthermore, it places power in the hands of men who sometimes misuse it. And yet, there it is, time and again: “The husband is head of the wife.” Those words can’t be brushed aside by those who rely on Scripture as their
infallible guide. But what does this
“headship” really mean?

The Bible makes it clear that
the husband is to be the leader in his home, yet he has no right to run roughshod over the opinions and feelings of his wife. He is to love her as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25) and to serve her unselfishly and compassionately. A man should include his wife in making
mutually satisfying decisions, always working to incorporate her perspectives and seeking compromise when possible. In situations where they simply cannot find common ground, Scripture gives
the man the prerogative—and responsibility—to choose and lead. Yet in this case, he must be more sensitive
and considerate than ever, bearing in mind that he will ultimately answer to God not only for his choices, but for his treatment of his wife.

Heavenly Father, in Your divine plan for marriage You have asked the husband to lead and the wife to submit, and we want so much to obey You. We come humbly now, asking for Your wisdom and help to do so. Amen.

Friday, February 7, 2014


God sees you and hears your cries for help, even when no one else does. He knows your heartache. He sees your pain. If your heart is broken and you feel crushed from all sides, God promises to be close to you. Though you may not see Him with you physical eyes, He is there.

Has the stress of life taken its toll, causing you to feel afraid, lonely or ready to give up? Is your heart broken today? Let God rescue you, friend. He is ready. He is willing. He is able.

Dear Lord, it feels like my life is falling part. I desperately need You to rescue me. Thank You for hearing my cries and for delivering me from my troubles. Even when I am hidden from others, You see me, Lord. Thank You saving me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Power Verse:
Zephaniah 3:17, "The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." (NIV 1984)

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Read Deuteronomy 33:1-29
Moses said this about the tribe of Judah:

“O LORD, hear the cry of Judah and bring them together as a people. Give them
strength to defend their cause; help them against their enemies!”

Moses said this about the tribe of Benjamin:

“The people of Benjamin are loved by the LORD and live in safety beside him.
He surrounds them continuously and preserves them from every harm.” /
(Deuteronomy 33:7, 12)

Note the difference in blessings God gave each tribe. To Gad he gave the best
land. To Judah he gave strength. To Benjamin he gave safety. To Joseph he gave
abundant crops.

Too often we see someone with a particular blessing and wonder why God blessed
them so much. However, these gifts are not meant to glorify those who receive
them. The gifts are meant to empower them to provide for the needs of others.
Gifts are meant for service, not glory.

What are the gifts God has given you? How can you use them to serve and bless
others? Take a moment to thank God for giving you these gifts and ask him for
eyes to see those who need your help.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Her name means: "
Loop" or "Tie"

Her character:
Hardworking and generous, her faith was so great that she left
her home forever to marry a man she had never seen or met. Yet she played
favorites with her sons and failed to trust God fully for the promise he had

Her sorrow: That she was barren for the first twenty years of her
married life
, and that she never again set eyes on her favorite son, Jacob,
after he fled from his brother Esau.

Her joy: That God had gone to extraordinary lengths to pursue her, to invite her to become part of his people and his promises.

Key Scriptures: Genesis 24; 25:19-34; 26:1-28:9

Her Story
The sun was dipping beyond the western rim of the sky as the young woman
approached the well outside the town of Nahor, five hundred miles northeast of
Canaan. It was women's work to fetch fresh water each evening, and
hoisted the brimming jug to her shoulder, welcoming its cooling touch against
her skin.

As she turned to go, a stranger greeted her, asking for a drink. Obligingly,
she offered to draw water for his camels as well.
Rebekah noticed the look of
surprised pleasure that flashed across his face. Ten camels could put away a
lot of water, she knew. But had she overheard his whispered prayer just
moments earlier, her astonishment would have exceeded his: "O Lord, God of my
master Abraham, give me success today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.
May it be that when I say to a girl, 'Please let down your jar that I may have
a drink,' and she says, 'Drink, and I'll water your camels too'—let her be the
one you have chosen for your servant Isaac."

A simple gesture. A generous response. A young woman's future altered in a
moment's time. The man
Rebekah encountered at the well, Abraham's servant, had
embarked on a sacred mission—to find Isaac a wife from among Abraham's own
people rather than from among the surrounding Canaanites. Like her great-aunt
Sarah before her,
Rebekah would make the journey south to embrace a future she
could hardly glimpse. Betrothed to a man twice her age, whose name meant
"Laughter," she felt a sudden giddiness rise inside her. The God of Abraham
and Sarah was wooing her, calling her name and no other, offering a share in
the promise. God was forging a new nation to be his own people.

Isaac was forty when he first set eyes on
Rebekah. Perhaps his heart echoed
the joy of that first man, "Here at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my
flesh!" So Isaac and
Rebekah entered the tent of his mother Sarah and made
love. And the Bible says that
Rebekah comforted Isaac after the death of his

Rebekah was beautiful and strong like Sarah, yet she bore no children for the
first twenty years of her life with Isaac. Would she suffer as Sarah did the
curse of barrenness? Isaac prayed and God heard, giving her not one, but two
sons, who wrestled inside her womb. And God told her: "Two nations are in your
womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be
stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger."

During the delivery, Jacob grasped the heel of his brother Esau, as though
striving for first position. Though second by birth, he was first in his
mother's affections. But his father loved Esau best.

Years later, when Isaac was old and nearly blind, he summoned his firstborn,
Esau. "Take your quiver and bow and hunt some wild game for me. Prepare the
kind of meal I like, and I will give you my blessing before I die."

But the clever
Rebekah overheard and called quickly to Jacob, suggesting a
scheme to trick the blessing from Isaac. Disguised as Esau, Jacob presented
himself to his father for the much-coveted blessing.

Isaac then blessed Jacob, thinking he was blessing Esau: "May nations serve
you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons
of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed and those
who bless you be blessed."

Isaac had stretched out his hand and passed the choicest blessing to his
younger son, thus recalling the words spoken about the two children jostling
for position in
Rebekah's womb. The benediction thus given could not be
withdrawn, despite the deceit, despite Esau's tears, and despite his vow to
kill Jacob. Afraid lest Esau take revenge,
Rebekah persuaded Isaac to send
Jacob north to find a wife from among her brother Laban's daughters.

As the years passed,
Rebekah must have longed to embrace her younger son,
hoping for the privilege of enfolding his children in her embrace. But more
than twenty years would pass before Jacob returned. And though Isaac would
live to welcome his son,
Rebekah would not.

Rebekah was a young girl, God had invited her to play a vital role in the
story of his people. He had gone to great lengths to pursue her. Like Sarah,
she would become a matriarch of God's people, and like Sarah, her heart would
divide itself between faith and doubt, believing that God's promise required
her intervention. Finding it difficult to rest in the promise God had made,
she resorted to trickery to achieve it.

The results, mirroring her own heart, were mixed. Though Jacob indeed became
heir to the promise, he was driven from his home and the mother who loved him
too well. In addition, he and his descendants would forever be at odds with
Esau and his people, the Edomites. Two thousand years later, Herod the Great,
who hailed from Idumea (the Greek and Roman name for Edom) would slaughter
many innocent children in his attempt to destroy the infant Jesus.

Yet God was still at work, graciously using a woman whose response to him was
far less than perfect, in order to accomplish his purposes.

Her Promise
Rebekah heard Abraham's servant describe how he had prayed and how he was sure
she was the woman God intended for Isaac. God himself had divinely
orchestrated the events.
Rebekah seemed to have known that and, when asked,
answered simply, "I will go."

Rebekah fully realize God's plan for her? Was she open to following that
plan? Or was she simply entranced with the romantic notions of a young girl
looking for her knight in shining armor? Whatever her motivation, the events
were planned by God, and he was able and willing to faithfully continue to
fulfill his promises through her.

God's faithfulness, despite our waywardness and contrariness, is evident both
throughout Scripture and throughout our lives. He will be faithful; he