Monday, October 21, 2013


You have a whole lot to give your children, my sister.

What you give them today will grow within them throughout their life.

If you teach them to care, share, and dare while they are young,

they will reap the results of the right thinking you instill in them as they grows.

The most powerful inspiration you can give your children is to continually show 

them the sacrificial love you pour out daily to enable them to go after their 

dreams. This type of giving is called a living sacrifice. It may be that you 

sacrificed some of the money needed for the months’ expenses so your son or 

daughter could participate in a Church servive or Youth Camps to further 

develop skills as an individual. You may have sacrificed dollars set aside for your 

hair and nails, so they could get new school clothes.

In one way, these choices are setbacks; but they are also set ups.

You may bear the struggle alone; but you will share the victories and

successes with that young child you adore. You give so they can receive.

Difficult? Yes! Rewarding? Most definitely!

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