Thursday, December 12, 2013


“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap… yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” Luke 12:24

Although the battle for healthy self
confidence is most often fought by women, many men also struggle with the issue. Unlike a woman, a man derives his sense of worth primarily from the reputation he earns in his job or profession. He draws emotional satisfaction from achieving in business, becoming financially independent, developing a highly respected skill, being the “boss,” or being loved and appreciated by his patients, clients, or business associates. When his career fails, however, look out.

His confidence often falters, and he becomes vulnerable. Depression, anger, and withdrawal are just some of his potential responses. Wives, here’s something to remember: More than anything, your man needs your respect. Compliment him on the qualities you most admire in him. Avoid comments that debase or embarrass him—especially in the eyes of others. As much as is reasonably possible, understand and support his career, but also create such an affirming atmosphere at home that he will be happy to leave career concerns at the office.

The better you understand your differences, the more you’ll appreciate the
gift that is your mate.

Just between us…
(wife) What achievement are you proudest of to your husband?

(wife) Are you satisfied with the current state of your husband’s career?

(wife) How can you help your husband with your career?

(wife) How can you show more respect for your husband and what you do?

(wife) Father, thank You for my husband—for the energy, skills, and ambitions
you’ve placed in him. Help him to know that You love him no matter how he
performs, and please help me show him the honor and respect I feel. Amen.

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