Sunday, December 1, 2013


Knowing you were created by God and for God, answers a thousand questions. You have great value and great purpose, regardless of how you feel about yourself,
regardless of how you came into this world, regardless of what others have said about you in the past. Every human life is sacred, no matter how it began.

Now let me go a little deeper.  As you ponder God speaking the universe into existence with but a word, is there anything in your life that is too difficult for Him to take care of?

Any problem too complex to solve? 

Any illnesses too severe to heal?

Any child too rebellious to tame?

Any marriage too far gone to restore? 

Oh brother and sister, nothing is impossible for Elohim, The Mighty Creator. He can breathe life into any seemingly hopeless situation that comes your way. "For nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37)

Let's Pray
Elohim, Mighty Creator, I praise You for all that You have made. Thank You for
the way You have fashioned my body. Tiny eyelashes that keep dust from my eyes. Flexible fingers that grasp and hold. Legs that stand and bend. Feet that walk and run. A heart that beats. A mind that thinks. Skin that protects. A soul that loves. I pray that I will represent You well today - that I will glorify You in all that I do. In Jesus's Name, AMEN.

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