Sunday, February 1, 2015


God knew you, as he knew Jeremiah, long before you were born or even conceived. He thought about you and planned for you. When you feel discouraged or inadequate, remember that God has always thought of you as valuable and that he has a purpose in mind for you.

We don’t have to allow feelings of inadequacy to keep us from obeying God’s call. God promises to always be with us. When you find yourself avoiding something you know you should do, be careful not to use lack of self-confidence as an excuse. If God gives you a job to do, he will provide all that you need to do it. Ask him for the grace to accept the call cheerfully and do whatever he calls you to do with diligence. If God has not given you a specific call or assignment, then seek to fulfill the mission common to all believers—to love, obey, and serve God—until his guidance becomes clearer.