Saturday, August 4, 2018

The successful lives are those concentrated lives.

Train yourself so you will be able to centralize your thought and develop your brain power, and increase your mental energy, or you can be a slacker, a drifter, a quitter, or a sleeper.


Sometimes you don’t get closure. You don’t get to stand before the person who hurt you and ask them why they did it, ask them if they see the pain they’ve caused, ask them if they even care. You don’t get the opportunity to go back in time.

Sometimes you don’t get a second chance. You don’t always get the ability to start completely over after you’ve fallen down. You don’t always get to chase the person you left when you weren’t ready, take back the words you’ve said, or unlove the one you gave your heart to.

Sometimes there are no redo buttons, no rewinds. Sometimes you’re simply stuck with the cards you’ve been dealt, as painful as they may be.

But that doesn’t mean your future is hopeless.

You can’t completely erase all your mistakes. But you can begin again. You can’t make people change, make them love you, make them apologize. But you can learn to let go. You can forgive yourself.

If you hear nothing else today – hear this : You are worth more than the brokenness of your past.

And you are deserving of healing – most importantly from yourself.

Read these words as a reminder: It’s okay to let go. It’s okay to acknowledge that you’ve been imperfect, but that longer has to be your identity

It’s okay to look back on the person you’ve been and slowly release your guilt. It’s okay to realize that you’ve changed, and might make different decisions now. It’s okay to come to terms with the fact that you loved people who weren’t right for you, that you did stupid things, that you lost your footing, your focus, of your faith a time or two.

It’s okay to say “I am fine”, “I am moving on”, “I am letting go”, “I am beginning again.” It’s okay to be imperfect. To be human. To forgive yourself for the moments you lost your way. To heal.

God Bless Us..


If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave. –Mo Willems

You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t find yourself in. you’re allowed to leave any story you don’t love yourself in.

You’re allowed to leave a city that has dimmed your light instead of making you shine brighter, you’re allowed to pack all your bags and start over somewhere else and you’re allowed to redefine the meaning of your life.

You’re allowed to quit the job you hate even if the world tells you not to and you’re allowed to search for something that makes you look forward to tomorrow and to the rest of your life.

You’re allowed to leave someone you love if they’re treating you poorly, you’re allowed to put yourself first if you’re settling and you’re allowed to walk-away when you’ve tried over and over again but nothing has changed. You’re allowed to let toxic friends go, you’re allowed to surround yourself with love, and people who encourage and nurture you. You’re allowed to pick the kind of energy you need in your life.

You’re allowed to forgive yourself for your biggest and smallest mistakes and you’re allowed to be kind to yourself, you’re allowed to look in the mirror and actually like the person you see. You’re allowed to set yourself free from your own expectations.

We sometimes look at leaving as a bad thing or associate it with giving up or quitting, but sometimes leaving is the best thing you can do for yourself. Leaving allows you to change directions, to start over, to rediscover yourself and the world. Leaving sometimes saves you from staying stuck in the wrong place with the wrong people. Leaving opens a new door for change, growth, opportunities and redemption.

You always have the choice to leave until you find where you belong and what makes you happy. You’re even allowed to leave the old you behind and reinvent yourself.

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God Bless Us..


Your father was not there when you were growing up. You may feel sad and the only way you can express yourself may be through frustration. You always fall for the wrong man, hoping at least one of them will treat you right. Then, they don’t. But you will heal. Your mother never told you she loved you when you needed her advice. You may feel like no one understands you, and sometimes no one does. You feel you have so much love to give but sometimes doubt if you are capable of loving but you will heal.

Your brother didn’t protect you from the world. You may have wanted him to show you the way when you were most lost. You are angry because he did not keep you from the ugly stares of the world. But you will heal. Your sister could not hear your silent screams. You may want a shoulder to cry on and find no one wondering where you went wrong in life. A time flies by, you will heal.  Your best friend let you down when you needed her the most. She may have seen your anger but she could never see how your soul was crying. You may feel like you have forgotten how to smile because of what the cruel world has done to you. You may feel like the pain will never leave, but it will. You will heal.

The guy who said he would be your friend, he didn’t mean a word he said. You may feel guilty for what he has taken away from you, you may be left feeling empty. Incapable of feeling anything but rage, if any feeling at all. You may feel like you will never be able to love yourself or anyone else again. But it is not true, because you will love yourself again and someone will love you more for who you are. As time goes by, you will heal.  Your partner broke your heart when they shared themselves with someone else, making you feel so small and disrespected through every bone in your body. You may feel you have nothing left to live for. Listen, you will heal.

This is why I am telling you this: be kind to yourself. I understand it is not easy, but life is worth it. It will sound hard, but try to believe in magic, try to have faith. There are good people out in the world. Give them a chance to be a part of your life. Let them help you through this. Give yourself a chance to change. You were not always like this. Yes, you got hurt, but you got up. And here you are, starting to learn about colors, feelings, and dreams. As days go by, you will heal.  Make a commitment to yourself and promise yourself that you will be there for yourself. You can always count on yourself; never give up on yourself and always fight for who you are. You are worth it.

Let me tell you a little secret: There are many who are hurting, but still healing. And if you ask me, how do I know that you will heal? It is because I was where you are now. And it’s taking time, but I am healing too.

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God Bless Us..


Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures you kept safe in your heart to cherish forever.

Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid, it’s like being young again. Colors seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exists at all. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud over the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible.

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God Bless Us..


I never used to think much of the “New Year.” But as I get older, I love the idea more and more. What better way to reflect on the past 12 months, and to look forward to the future. To recognize what went right, and what went wrong. New years are significant. They are meaningful.

2017 went by in an instant. It brought so much joy, excitement, sadness, and most of all, memories. I wish I could say that everyone who came with me to 2017 left. But that’s not the case. I’ve lost people I thought were significant. Some may no longer be here on the earth. Others, our relationships have ended. I’ve outgrown people. And that’s okay.

2017 has taught me that relationships and people are fleeting. Some people aren’t meant to stay in your life. You can’t chase people who aren’t meant to stay. And sometimes you see people’s true colors. But nothing happens in vain. It’s all part of the big picture. I can see it even now. Why some people aren’t meant to stay. Be thankful for the part they played in your life, but let them go.

Let go of what’s not supposed to happen. I think that has been the greatest lesson of 2017. Be open to experiences, but also don’t hold on to the past. Live, learn, let go. Don’t let anything hold you down, and don’t be dragged down by negativity. It’s hard to let go of things we think we want, but sometimes it’s the very thing we must do. Take chances. Take lots of them. You won’t regret it. Even if it doesn’t work out, at least you tried. You can say you gave your all, put forth effort, and it didn’t work out. There’s no shame or regret in that. Send that message. Tell that person why they hurt your feelings. Apologize for doing the wrong thing. Be blunt, open, and honest. Follow your heart.

The best thing about 2017 has been all the people who have showed up in my life. When you open yourself up to meeting new people, life surprises you. So many people in my life are new, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Making new friend isn’t a bad thing. With each stage of life, we grow. We outgrow some friendships and new ones follows us in our new stage of life.

2017 has been good to me. It’s taught me to make the best of every situation, and always to be my authentic self. I couldn’t ask for more. With that said, going forward, I am thankful for everything that happened in 2017. Some good, some bad, but continuous growth. I expect the same in the year 2018.

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God Bless Us..


When I am grateful, I hug Him. When I am happy, I celebrate with Him. When I feel sad, I listen to songs that will remind me of Him. When I am afraid, I call on to Him. When I feel so down, I just talk to Him. When I feel like I don’t want to talk to anyone anymore, I whisper to Him. When it feels like I can’t, I cry out to Him. When it feels like the end, I surrender to Him. When it feels too much, I ask Him to lessen it. When it’s so heartbreaking, I give Him my heart and tell Him, “Lord, I can’t handle these heartaches anymore. Touch my heart and heal me again this time.”

My heart is made by Him but like all the other human hearts, it gets tired. My heart feels weary of all the heartaches. But during these times, I hold on to Him. For I know He will guard my heart. He will not let my heart be enshrouded with hatred and rage. My heart is made by Him so I give Him the full responsibility. He has the right to make it whole again or not. He holds everything. He is in power. My heart is made by Him but this is not an exception to the rules. My heart is not immune to heartaches. I happen to stumble most of the times and my heart is the most damaged part. But always recover and that’s because of Him.

My heart is made by Him and so my heart will continue to love. It will love no matter what. It will keep on loving the deserving and undeserving people in this world. It will not stop loving until it breaks into pieces. And still, He will mend my broken heart. He will make it whole again.

My heart is made by Him for it to inspire others that despite the many heartaches, it still cares, understands and trusts others. It is willing to wait and hope for greater things. My heart is made by Him that’s why I know He will not fail. People may fail my heart. People may disappoint my heart. People may break my heart. But He never will. He has promises and I hold on to that. Lord, I trust You and even when this life gives me so many heartaches, I will trust You even more. I will hold on to Your words, Your promises, Your ways.

Lord, I trust You and even when this life gives me so many heartaches, I will cling to You even more. I know those heartaches are temporary. I know those are Your ways to teach me and make me learn the difference of genuine love to fake one. The difference of long lasting to a fleeting one. Lord, it is Your love which educates me. Lord, I trust You and even when this life gives me so many heartaches, I will love even more and hold on to Your plans for me. I will wait and be patient enough. Lord, I trust You. So when You give me so many heartaches, give me the strength to hold Your hand and never let go.

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God Bless Us..


Walk away from the person who makes you feel special one day and totally worthless the next day. Walk away from the person who thinks loving you is temporary decision or something they could take lightly. Walk away from the person who makes you wonder instead of giving you the answers you need. Walk away from someone who doesn’t know who he/she wants especially when it comes to you.

Walk away from the boy who only texts you when it’s convenient for him and doesn’t try to check up on you or see how you’re doing. Walk away from the boy who can’t see your worth from the beginning. Walk away from the girl who is only using you to make her ex jealous or the girl who only calls you when she needs someone to stroke her ego. Walk away from the girl who makes you feel like you’ll never be important to her. Like she’ll never see you the way you see her.

Walk away from the boy who knows you want more than friendship but is still friendzoning you because he likes the fact that a girl like you is all over him and would do anything for him. Walk away from the boy who will never be in a relationship with you but expects you to give him all the girlfriend benefits. Walk away from the boy who keeps telling you he’s busy and he has no time for you. Walk away from the boy who’s not over his ex and is waiting for her to be single again.

Walk away from the girl who doesn’t support you because she doesn’t care about your dreams and ambitions, she’s only interested in what you can do for her. Walk away from the girl who keeps rejecting you time and again because she has feelings for someone else. Walk away from the girl who comes to you for relationship advice knowing that you have feelings for her. Walk away from the girl who keeps breaking your heart while pretending to be your bestfriend.

Walk away from the people who confuse you. Dating and relationships are harder when we go after people who don’t want us or people who made it clear one way or another that they’re not looking for the same things we’re looking for. We make it harder when we try to change the way people see us instead of accepting the reality that this is how they see us. Finding someone who’s on the same page is easier than changing someone who’s not.

Walk away from the people who confuse you because that only means they’re confused about you and you deserve someone who knows for sure. You deserve someone who desires you and wants you the same way you want them because this is how you start something meaningful. This is the foundation you need to build a strong relationship. You need this balance or else, you’ll spend most of your time wondering if you’re enough, if they’ll leave you or if they’re talking to someone else and you deserve to be the only one.

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God Bless Us..


You don’t realize how much negativity you’re absorbing until you purposely create distance between yourself and something (or someone) you read/ interact with/ spend time with/ see, etc. Creating intentional space allows for positivity to cultivate within you, and gives you room to explore your own thoughts and perspectives, without the opinions of others.

In simply following or removing toxicity from your day to day experience or social media feeds, you will be able to uplift and inspire yourself into more positive life changes.

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God Bless Us..


I know there are days where you just want to completely breakdown. Days where you wonder where any bit of strength can even come from because you’re exhausted. Days where you want to cry but you know you shouldn’t or you think you don’t even have a reason to. So you keep it together.  You smile and carry on like everything inside you isn’t breaking. You help others without ever even thinking to ask for help yourself. You don’t want to seem weak. You don’t want to seem like a burden or negative. So you keep smiling and taking baby steps forward but all you want to you is fall to your knees and scream. It seems like everyday is something new or everyday is just hard. You wake up and you just want to lay there.

There are things you need to do but you just turn over. You want to look forward but you’re losing faith in what’s ahead because you are uncertain. I don’t know what it is you’re going through exactly. Maybe it’s a break-up. Maybe it’s work or school or a million things on your plate you seem to be drowning in. Maybe every time it seems something is about to go your way or you’re going to get a breather another thing knocks the wind out of you. I know you’re tired and not just physically but emotionally drained because of everything people demand of you. People demand a lot of you and you never let anyone down. You never disappoint them. You bust your ass to appease people who don’t even say thank you. That takes strength.

I want to say thank you on behalf of those who don’t. I want to show my appreciation for those who don’t see what you’re going through. You make it look easy and that’s why people don’t realize what you’re going through. But I see it. Your tired eyes wonder if there’s more than what you’re getting right now. I’m going to start with I’m proud of you for how strong you are. Strength like yours comes in silent battles, people don’t know you fight. It comes in tears you either repress or no one knows you cry. It’s in nights where you lie awake wondering is there more? Curiosity is good.

That unfulfilling feeling is good. It is there to show you, you aren’t in the right place anymore. Being uncomfortable is good. That means you are growing. Maybe where you are right now, you’ve excelled as much as you can and there’s no place higher you can go. You should be proud of yourself for that. But I need you to keep going. Keep trying. Keep working. Don’t lose faith. Because it’s in those moments where you want to get up, and walk away, and quit, comes something rewarding. There is something on the other side of this confusion and heartbreak and sadness. You have just to get there first. Just know you aren’t alone. I’m with you.

Remember: your whole life is going to be okay.

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God Bless Us..


Fall in love gently. Remind yourself that you are the longest relationship of your life. Remind yourself that you are a child of this universe and that you are worthy of happiness.

Fall in love with the way you feel things deeply. The color of someone’s laughter. The texture of someone’s kindness. The shape of someone’s heartbreak. The nostalgia of going back to places that caused you so much pleasure and pain.

You are an old soul trapped in a body that’s slowly, slowly decaying. You are a traveler of both the outer world and the inner world.

Fall in love with your failures. The events that shaped you into becoming who you are today. Embrace your shortcomings for they serve as a lesson in your formless memory. Forgive yourself for everything that is causing you so much pain. It is brutal process, and you must get through it. Self-hate can only genereate more worry in your life. Let it go. You don’t have to carry it forever.

Fall in love with your body. Romanticize it. The freckles on your face are constellations. The heart-shaped birthmark right behind your hips. The dark circles under your eyes are like tree rings that signify growth. The positive aura of your gummy smile. The way that your body is working hard to keep you alive like electricity lighting up a whole city on a cloudless night.

Fall in love with your existence. The little things that make you who you are. The poetry that you write. The paintings that you create during a peaceful night. The instrument that you play. The way you put make up on as you face another challenging day. These little things that make you who you are come from the way you express your being.

Fall in love with yourself until you finally feel like home.

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God Bless Us..


Treat her with fragile hands. Understand that it is going to take her a while to fully let you into her world. At first, she is going to be wary about handing her heart to someone new. She is going to hesitate to spend time with you, to tell you her secrets, to let you get close. She has been disappointed too many times before, so she is going to want to make sure that you are the real deal before she puts all her faith in you. She is going to be careful, because she has been careless in the past and it only ended in heartache.

Treat her with kindness. Instead of acting like she is some sort of backup plan, place her as a first priority. Show her that you enjoy spending time with her by giving her your all, answer her texts. Ask her out on dates. Keep all of your promises. Make time for her, even if it’s hard.  Never keep her waiting or wondering where you stand. The boys that have disappointed her in the past have left texts unanswered and canceled plans, so don’t follow in their footsteps. Show her that you are different.

Treat her with respect. Respect her body. Respect her time. Respect her privacy. Respect when she asks for a day to herself, free from socializing. Respect when she sits you down and wants to have a talk with you about your relationships. Respect her, no matter the situation, no matter what mood you are in. Take her seriously, even when you think she’s overreacting over something silly. If you act like her emotions are a joke, then she isn’t going to stay with you. She needs someone who respect her thoughts, her opinions, and her boundaries.

Treat her with love. Tell her how much you like being around her. Show her how much you care about her. Make it clear that you are ready to commit to her and leave the single life behind.

Treat her with as much compassion as you can. Because she used to disappointment, and she doesn’t want to go through it again.

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God Bless Us..


People always say you can’t really explain why you feel a certain way about someone. Why you click with some people more than others or why you suddenly feel connected to a stranger. I feel like God brings us closer to certain people we need in our lives right now. These are the people who will either teach us important lessons about life or about ourselves.

There’s a reason why God moves your heart toward a specific person and a reason why you get attached to certain people more than others. When I look back, there’s not one person I got really attached to who didn’t have something valuable to teach me or didn’t play a major role in my life. And the irony is, most of these people were temporary because their duty was to show me a different way and then set me free.

Sometimes the stage of your life determines what kind of people you attract of faith, God sends you the people you need at exactly the right time. He gives you the answers you were looking for through these people. He enlightens you by bringing you closer to people who bring out the best in you. He helps you when you’re struggling by pulling you closer to those who are capable of digging you out of your darkness.

It’s just that sometimes we try to turn these temporary people into forever people but that’s not their role. They’re not meant to stay in our lives forever. God called them to be there for us for only a short period of time. God called to be in our lives so they can make us better for the ones who are meant to stay forever.

The problem is we become frustrated when these people leave because we can’t let go. We don’t understand why God would take away something so beautiful or someone who healed us but if you look at it from the perspective that if these people overstayed their welcome, their beauty will fade away, their love will die, their story will not be inspiring anymore and they will turn into a burden were not meant to carry, it will all start making sense.

The essence of letting go is faith. Faith that this story is better left the way it is. It’s better left the way God wrote it. Maybe rewriting it will ruin the story. Maybe changing it will not give you a happy ending. Maybe these people are angels sent to you to teach you a lesson or heal you or make you a better person and when their time is up, they fly away. They’re meant to be placed in someone else’s life.

Maybe these people are also teaching you how to let go, how to detach, how to realize when someone’s part in your story is over and have faith that the next person God brings you closer to is exactly who you need, even if you don’t know it yet.

Because I know that the day we meet the person who is meant to stay forever, we’d be able to spot them from a mile away, we’d recognize them in a crowded room because we finally understand the difference between someone who touches our hand and someone who touches our soul.

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God Bless Us..


There are nights I wonder if you will ever have the courage to choose me. If there will be a day that I will have you all by myself, a time you can love me wholeheartedly, no excuses, no reasons. Just you and me unapologetically in love. I wonder if you will entirely erase her, for me. I wonder if there will come a point where you will make long term plans with me, when you will finally commit to me utterly. A time when you will have no other options, just me.

However, we both know that’s never going to happen. That’s bullshit, I want this to be honest and raw. So here goes nothing.

I’m sorry for how things went down. Maybe it hurts you as much as it hurts me or maybe it hurts me even more. But know that I did this for myself, for once I know I’m doing something that my future self will thank me for. I know for a fact that this will benefit me in the coming days no matter how tortuous this is right now. You know I have to end it; we have to end whatever this is. Whatever were doing, we need to quit it. No matter how you turn things around, we both know I’m on the losing end. I will attain more scars than you, I will have to mend more wounds than you. No matter how hard we try, how strong we fight, I will always be the inflicted one. You cannot imagine how difficult this is for me, but I owe it to myself to at least save myself from further pain.

The ugly truth is, I will always be your second choice. I will always be the girl who will come after her. I will always be the girl who will be left behind, the girl crying in her bedroom trying to figure out where I fall short, where I was wrong, why I was less than enough, why I wasn’t the first choice.

I will always be the girl whom you will love, but never fully. The girl you will care about, but not more than her. The girl who will do her best, but still wasn’t the best, not for you.

I will always be the girl you’ll call after her, when she’s not picking up, when she’s too busy. I will always be your backup plan, when things didn’t work perfectly with her. I will always be your safety net, because you know I won’t leave. You know I’m constantly here waiting for you, that’s how much power you have over me. And honestly, I should have realized that long time ago. That I wasn’t really first, that I’m always next to her.

You were hers first and maybe always will be. So today, I’m doing myself a big favor. I’m choosing myself. I’m putting myself before you. Thank you for always making me feel like I’m not worth it. For treating me like a disposable material that you can leave and come back to whenever you feel like it. Whenever it is convenient for you. Thank you for never saying sorry and never making me feel like I deserve an apology, like I never deserve your conquering your pride and ego for me. Thank you for leaving me the burden to always be the one to figure out solutions and the mature one to come around and beg for your forgiveness. Thank you for making me feel like I should adjust my whole life to fit yours, to fit you.

Because if not for all of this, I wouldn’t have realized who I am and how I deserve so much better than you. So I’ll stop waiting. I’ll stop hoping. I’ll stop making myself believe in ideas and happy endings I always write for myself. Because I know the harsh reality – I will never be your first choice. And though you were my greatest love, the love I will never regret, the love I will always come back to, the love I will always choose, I will never be your person. I will never be the one you’ll choose. You were my greatest love, but that doesn’t equate a happy ending. Sometimes great loves become great loves because they teach us great lessons and what you thought me was the greatest of them all. THANK YOU..

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God Bless Us..


The best relationship of your life will be with a girl who writes down her feelings in a journal or turns them into poetry. A girl who isn’t afraid of what is hidden inside of her heart. A girl who has a strong voice. A girl who knows her thoughts matter. A girl who knows she matters.

The best relationship of your life will be with a girl who writes, because she never misses a detail. She pays close attention. She will notice when you get a haircut, when you wear a new shirt, when you trim your beard, when you are unusually upset.  Nothing will get past her. She will come close to reading your mind.

The best relationship of your life will be with a girl who writes, because she has a passion. She has a reason to wake up in the morning that doesn’t involve you. Yes, you’re important to her. Yes, she is thankful to have you in her world. But you aren’t her entire world. She has other things to do rather than sit around and wait for your texts. She is busy. She is productive.

The best relationship of your life will be with a girl who writes, because she is a dreamer. She takes risks. She believes in second chances. She hasn’t given up on herself yet – and she isn’t going to give up on you either.

The best relationship of your life will be with a girl who writes, because she stays open to new experiences. Visiting new places and seeing new sights will give her more to write about, so she is always willing to go on adventures. She can be spontaneous. She can be surprising. She never lets life become boring. She never lets herself settle.

The best relationship of your life will be with a girl who writes, because she is intelligent. Eventhough she has an adventurous side, she thinks things through before taking action. She considers every possible route the story of her life could take, which means she never acts rashly. She makes sure she is doing the right thing over the easy thing.

The best relationship of your life will be with a girl who writes, because she is secretly a romantic. She believes in committing to one person. She believes in treating the person she is seeing with the upmost respect.

The best relationship of your life will be with a girl who writes, because she will never let a day go by without letting you know how much you matter to her. She has a way with words. She might stumble over saying I love you face – to – face, but she will send you sweet good morning messages and write the cutest things inside of your birthday card. She will be able to put her feelings for you into words, eventhough it’s unlike anything she has ever felt before.

The best relationship of your life will be with a girl who writes, because she has a purpose. She knows who she is. She knows what she wants.

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God Bless Us..


Thank You for all the closed doors. Thank You for redirecting me to something better. Thank You for preventing me from stepping in places that were not meant for me. Thank You for the detours because they led me to better places – places I never knew existed. Thank You for not allowing me to settle for second best because You have something so much bigger and better for me.

Thank You for all the No’s. Thank You for the times I got rejected and the times You forced me to let go of the things I wanted most because now I know they were wrong for me. Now I know I’m better off without them. Now I know that You were teaching me how to be patient because the big YES is the reason why I heard all these NO’s.

Thank You for all the endings. Thank You for all the goodbyes. Thank You for giving me the strength and the courage to end things that were not meant for me and detach from all the things that brought me down.

Thank You for ending things in my life even when I wasn’t ready because you were preparing me for something better. Thank You for removing certain people from my life because they were eventually going to break my heart. Thank You for all the sad endings because You’re preparing me for the happy one. The one that will last.

Thank You for all the roadblocks. Thank You for steering my life in another direction. Thank You for allowing me to realize that there’s more than one way to take. There’s more than one life for me to live. There’s more than one destination to go to.

Thank You for making me realize that my journey will never entirely be mine to take. Thank You for guiding me where to go because You’re showing me where I belong. You’re taking me to the place I call home. You’re showing me the light.

Thank You for all the prayers You never answered. I didn’t know what’s best for me and I still don’t but I trust You. I trust You because You know me better. I trust You because You hear me cry at night. I trust You because You know what will make me happy. I trust You because You will not burden me with more than I can handle and I trust You because You’re the only decision maker I can count on. You’re the only teacher I can listen to. You’re the only One who knows my heart and my soul and I can’t ask You to follow my plans.

You’re the best planner. I know You have great things planned for me. I know every blessing You took away was eventually going to turn into a curse. So thank You. Thank You for closing doors I need to walk away from. Thank You for closing doors I need to stop banging on. Thank You for closing these doors because I know You’re about to open better ones and I can’t wait to see what You have in store for me.

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God Bless Us..


Stop questioning. Stop overthinking. Stop looking back and trying to measure where you’ve been or how far you have left to go. Stop telling yourself you aren’t there yet, or aren’t good enough.


Because right where you are in this moment – even in all this imperfection and mess and steps still left to take – is exactly where you’re supposed to be. Thousands of moments led up to this. Hundreds of decisions and actions. Millions of tiny thoughts and mistakes and blessings have brought you are. And here is good.

For some reason we keep telling ourselves that we aren’t worthy, that we have so far to go, that we’ll never reach this standard we hold ourselves to. But we forget that every step of the journey is part of the journey. We forgot that there are going to be rough patches on the road to success, that there will be downs to each of our ups, and that sometimes we’re not going to be moving at all, but instead standing still. And all of these places are okay.

Because where we are in every moment is where we’re supposed to be.

We’re supposed to be tired.
We’re supposed to be defeated.
We’re supposed to be stuck.
We’re supposed to be stagnant.
It means we are learning.

We have to stop telling ourselves that we are failing. We have to stop telling ourselves that we won’t make it because we haven’t yet. We have to stop telling ourselves that we are losing.

Because there’s nothing to lose.

We are only gaining – knowledge, wisdom, experience, lessons.

Everything we go through teaches us how to survive. Every obstacle helps us learn we we are. Every painful moments breaks us, but builds us. And little by little, we are making it through.

So stop. So stop worrying. Stop wondering. Stop letting yourself feel defeated and broken. You are none of those things. You are a person who is growing, changing, learning, becoming, succeeding.

And where you are right now? That’s exactly where you’re supposed to be. Trust in the mo ment, and more importantly, trust yourself. You are incredible and strong.

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God Bless Us..


It’s easy to give up. It’s easy to say you can’t do it anymore. It’s easy to submit to every lie, every accusation, that is never true. It’s easy to pull yourself down. It’s easy to make it believe that you can’t. It’s easy to just stumble and stay to the ground. It’s easy to stop believing in the victory that is waiting and easier to believe in the lies. But you’ve gotta keep trying. Honey, you’ve got to keep trying, promise me you’ll keep trying. Because great things does not happen overnight. Your demons does not die in a week. It’s continuous process you have to keep battling, you have to keep defeating. And it will not happen if you give up now.

So promise me you’ll hold on, promise me you’ll believe in your own victory, in your strength, in the overcomer inside you, because for what’s it worth – you are ultimately stronger than any of your demons. They’re just tiny, insignificant voices. YOU, on the other hand is a strong, triumphant soul. Those voices cannot ever leave you devastated, not unless you allow it. So really, it’s up to you.

Promise me you won’t listen to them, to its lies, but rather burn it, kill it, defeat it. Promise me you’ll see how much you’re striving and give the credit where it is due. Promise me you won’t ignore improvements, and only look at the big, miraculous breakthroughs but you will acknowledge your little wins every single day, promise me you’ll be joyful about it, promise me you’ll celebrate.

Promise me you’ll always see hope, because there is hope, there is an assurance that if you just keep going, you will finish strong, and when you do, all of these liars will vanish. They will die down. Because they have nothing to control, because they can’t overpower you anymore, because they don’t get to decide anymore – you get to. It’s all up to you.

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God Bless Us..


There will always be an excuse. Stop making one. Stop thinking you’re not ready, or that you need to be more prepared. Stop telling yourself lies out of fear. Stop doubting what you feel in your heart that you need to do. Stop waiting for someone to pursue you, or for opportunities to fall in your lap.

Go grab what you want from this world; only you can.

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God Bless Us..


One day, you will meet someone who feels right. Your mind won’t go into overdrive, your senses won’t go into high alert, and your heart won’t ache painfully at the thought of him.

You won’t have to stalk him on his social media to find out information about him. You won’t have to spend endless moment analyzing his every action. You won’t have to suppress the words you want to say and restrain the love you feel for him in fear of scaring him away. You won’t have to wait for the stars to finally align or the timing to be right before you can get together with him.

Instead, his attention will be crystal clear, he will grab hold of any chance to show you how much you mean to him in the little and thoughtful things he does for you. He will be eager to spend time with you and make time for you. He will be ready to be with you, as if you are who he’s been looking for all his life.

One day, you will meet someone who makes you believe in love again.

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God Bless Us..


Sometimes the world gets so lonely and you start thinking about all the times you got you heartbroken and all the times you wished you had someone by your side. Sometimes it feels like love is a foreign word – a foreign concept you hear people talking about but you don’t really understand.

Sometimes it feels like love isn’t in the cards for you and while that’s something you’ll never know for sure, you can still make the best out of your journey.

Maybe your journey is not about love, maybe it’s about purpose. Maybe it’s about finding your passion and following it, or maybe it’s about moving to a new city and finding another side of life that excites you.

Maybe it’s about finding a new hobby, a new talent or a new idea that could be the next best thing and maybe it’s about traveling and roaming the world until you find meaning in your life or until you figure out what exactly you’re born to do.

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God Bless Us..


You love someone with actions: you give them things to make their life easier, better, more full, happier. When they fall asleep on your shoulder, you shift to make them more comfortable, to see them stir in their sleep like a small animal – you smile at how sweet they look, you marvel at how corny you feel and how okay with it you are.

You love someone by doing nothing, but not moving at all, not even an inch. When their head rests on your shoulder, when they lay in your lap, collapsed – you remain still, unchanging. Steadfast. There.

You love someone with “I’m there for you”-s made real. You love someone by answering, even in the smallest ways: “okay, see you soon.”

You love someone all tacit and silent – without replies and responses, with nothing at all – you love someone even when you have nothing. You say that this is all you have, you love them with honesty and respect, enough to tell them when you can’t love them, enough to tell them when you’re spent, exhausted, burn out, gone.

You love someone with touch, with your lips on their forehead, blessings going both ways, the way you want to feel. Taken care of and caring, a hand on their shoulder, a sure shoulder on your unsteady hand.

You love someone with logic, with plans and knowing what’s best for them and plans falling apart and realizing that you can’t always know best, that you won’t, that you don’t, that they’re a person and that is all they are.

You love a person, not a someone. You love someone by seeing their humanity over and over again: the way they look waking up, the way their skin peels with a sunburn, the way they get mean when they are jealous. The way they look, the way they are – a person, not a constant.

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God Bless Us..


Let God fix your heart..

Let God heal the wounds of past heartbreaks and people who left and anyone who couldn’t fully love you. Let Him teach you the lesson behind each heartbreak. The lesson behind each tear. The lesson that will help you find someone you can be with forever. Maybe the lesson is not to fall too fast of not to fall for the words or not to fight so hard for things that are not meant to be yours. Maybe the lesson is to wait instead of chasing the wrong person just because you want to be in a relationship. Maybe the lesson is for you to finally learn your worth and what you deserve and stop settling for mediocre love and almost relationships.

Let God fix your mind..

Allow His Words to ease your restless mind and silence your insecurities. Read His stories so can learn how to overcome stress, anxiety, trauma and pain. Nothing is impossible for God to heal. Nothing is impossible for God to change. Nothing is impossible for God to repair.

Let God fix your self-doubt..

Let Him show you that His way is safe. His path protects you from darkness. His path eases your loneliness. His path fills you with faith and hope that the future is going to be better. His love fills your void. His love makes you brave because you know there is nothing you can’t overcome with Him by your side.

Let God fix your story..

After all, He’s the writer. He’s the One who knows how our story will end and if we’ll ever get our happy ending. Everything is in His book. Maybe your story isn’t going the way you want it to but this is certainly not the end. Maybe this is the part where the protagonist struggles and falls down before finding a way to rise up again. Maybe this is the turning point that prepares you for your big break, your big risk of your miracle. Maybe this is just the beginning of the story and everything else was just one long dull introduction.

Let God fix your life..

Because people won’t fix you and you won’t always be able to fix yourself. Because fixing something requires strength, patience, perseverance, resilience and wisdom and sometimes human beings run out of all that. Sometimes we fall short. Sometimes we can’t have it all together and we turn our smallest battles into wars when we feel inadequate. When we feel like we’re failing at fixing our lives.

But sometimes, God just wants you to surrender. It’s a key element of faith. Surrendering is actually an act of strength, not weakness. Because it takes a great deal  of strength and wisdom to admit that you don’t have all the answers and you can’t change your life but you know that you’re depending on the biggest problem solver and the only One who can change your story and the only One who can truly fix you.

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God Bless Us..