Saturday, June 2, 2018


To everyone I’ve wronged – I hope you forgive me. To people I’ve managed to help – I wish I could’ve done more. To folks who believe in me – I sincerely wish I can become as good as who you think I can be. And to those who send me their criticisms – I will intently listen.


God Bless Us..


“INFJs do not like lying so if we think the truth will hurt someone as it does often with others, we will keep our thoughts and feelings to ourself. When we do express ourselves, we don’t holdback and reveal truths that most people are unconscious of.”

“I’ve had people who question my love for them or others as if I have ulterior motives or am a pretender. I tried to prove my love. I tried to caress. I always gave without expecting any return. I was still rejected. I gave all of me and some more but I was still a constant rejection. No more, not again, and never again will I try to prove myself. My love is now reserved for those who reciprocate it back. For others, I don’t give a crap because my love is pricey and they can’t afford it.”

“It’s not bad to feel. It’s something not everyone is capable of. It’s okay to be sensitive, to cry over a minor heartbreak, to feel anxious when life is going upside down. It’s okay to feel depressed over something that happened five years ago. It’s okay to cry in public when someone sends you a break up message. It’s okay to spend all your day in your bed beneath your comforter. You’re alright. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a rare gem in a world full of impure ores.”

“Why do you consider yourself so weak? You’re not. You were gifted with PTSD when your partner left , you still survived. You were gifted with anxiety when you began overthinking due to your past experiences, you still survived. You were traumatized when your class fellow bullied you, you still survived. You had an abusive childhood and felt neglected, you still survived. You were naïve and someone took advantage and sexually abused you, you still survived. You cared for someone but they used you, you still survived. After going through all, you contemplated suicide, you tried to overdose yourself with drugs, you tried to cut yourself, you even went on the roof to jump down the alley – you still survived. You’re not weak. You’re the strongest person I know. You deserve a round of applause because you have the courage to never quit.”

“I was immature to believe that loving others was the foremost duty a person is obligated with. Little did I know about the painful road my beliefs would haunt me with. It was narcissistic of me to keep loving to gain the blissful satisfaction love entails. When the heart shatters, it may not physically break or make a sound. But each tiny piece of the broken heart pierces through the soul and wounds it. The wounds aren’t the kind which can heal with proper medication but the kind when you lose a part of your soul knowing that you’ll be never whole again.”

“On account of their auxiliary feelings (Fe), INFJs are devoted to listen, love and lift all of humanity. However, the path they take is grounded by their strong principles, and a general expectation of all parties being truthful (Dom Ni). And this takes a toll on INFJs as they’re forced into creating boundaries and feeling apprehensive about involving themselves with humans who too often lie, cheat, and steal their way into getting what they want. As INFJs age, they tend to develop a hard exterior, but deep down they remain the biggest softies you’ll ever meet.”

“The most important difference between introvert and and an extrovert is that an introvert is energized when alone, while an extrovert is energized by other people. Otherwise pretty much all empaths (introverts and extroverts) feel depleted when surrounding themselves with either negativity or a surplus of intense emotions. And this is why every introverts dominant function is an introverted function (Dom Ni for INFJs) while every extroverts dominant functions is an extroverted function (Dom Fe for ENFJs). In addition, Empath types typically become more introverted with age and exposure to injurious energy.”

“I look back at the road I’ve traveled and stare with amazement at how I managed to survive. It was like walking through a minefield that was prone to earthquakes, and was home to energy draining monsters who tracked me down relentlessly. It was hard, and several times I wanted to give up and let go of life. But something always made me keep pushing on. I found strength that came from a source that seemed to show up just at the moment I needed it most. I found my way out of the minefield and into place of peace and healing. As rough as the journey may have been, I know it helped me get to a place where sharing my pain can help and heal another. I know this is my purpose in this world and I will continue doing all I can to help and offer healing to as many as possible.”


“Am I the only one that feels numbness in this life? It’s like if you don’t have a major passion, something that really feeds your soul, then you simply live bored. Since I discovered writing for example, life seems worth living.”

“Believe me, I’ve tried being a mediocre person but don’t really have what it takes to be one. How am I so ordinary if I’ve made with stardust? How am I so ordinary when love is pumped thru all my veins? How am I so ordinary when my brain is so complex that no one else can replicate it. Take a deep breath and repeat after me. “I am exceptional, I am pure, I am intense.”

“We INFJ’s live in our our heads, and through we are men and women of a few words, when we do speak, we are both rational and inclusive; on an account of our Tertiary Ti (Introverted Thinking) following our Auxillary FE (Extroverted Feeling). One must listen to every word we say as there is much too meaning and strategy hidden between our practical sentiments.”

“I will give and give til I can give no more. And when I get there, even if I have something left to give, it ain’t going to you, cause when you had your chance to both give and get, you expected too much from me, and I got no give from you, so I learned to both forgive and forget you.”

“I love to surround myself with the intellectual ones who aren’t afraid of diving into unknown prospects and possibilities. I love to surround myself with the philosophies and discoverers of mysterious truths. I love to surround myself with only those who can meet me at my ethics and understanding. And thus, I love to surround myself with no one but me.”

“Introverted people can be some of the most amazing, authentic people. People like Steven Spielberg, Julia Roberts and the list continuous of introverted people. The sad thing is, if you don’t understand yourself as an introvert, it can and will be looked down on in a bad way. I love being introvert. That is where I can be with myself and I am great. I don’t need all the attention and also I am able to solve problems much quicker and bounce back from deep issues. However, it may come off different to extroverts and that is okay, we are all different. Embrace the authenticity of being an introvert, discover your passion. So I don’t agree with everything. Introverts are delicate souls that hunger for love.”

“Introverts crave intimacy. Introverts want you to feel unashamed bringing the inner you out into the light. They detest shallow conversation and shallow connections. An introvert wants to hear about the things that bring you peace, about the things that keep you up when you should asleep, how you got that scar on your left knee when you were six. They don’t just want to know your hopes, your dreams, your fear, but they want to know why you have those hopes, those dreams, those fears.”

“We all slip up at some point in our lives. There may be times that you face bad days but just remember that you are doing this for yourself. Every step you take is leading you a step closer to your goals. Keep your eye on the prize. It will be worth it.”


“You don’t know this new me; I put my pieces differently.”

“As my room mate attempted to explain to me what I said and meant, one more time, and completely missed the point, I yearned for understanding. I prayed for it, I desire to be heard just once, have my heart purposely understand and validated. Even if they would just try. Not act as if they already knew what I was saying. But listened and contemplated and acknowledged who I am, even if they don’t quite get it, at least I know they heard me.”

“Everyday I want someone to understand or at least try to understand me.”

“If I ever decide to give up on you, understand how much that took out of me. I’m the type to give endless chances, always have your back even when you are wrong, and truly accept you for who you are. When the rest of the world doesn’t want you, I will. So if I gave up on you, understand that it took everything I had left inside of me to leave you, because if I loveyou, and care about you, there isn’t anything on the planet I wouldn’t do for you.”

“If you can’t be kind, be quiet.”

“I know that time is going to help me understand why you are not meant for me. I know that the universe is setting up a plan for me to meet someone, who’s going to fill my life with joy better than you did. I know that few months from now, I will remember you but I will no longer remember the feelings that you gave me.”

“Based in my personality test, I’m: PHELGMATIC. Phlegmatic types are calm, private people who value quiet and patience. These people are accepting, reasonable and tolerant. Though mainly introverts, they are faithful friends and tend to live quiet live seeking a peaceful environment. For these types of people, serenity and consistency is key for success and balance life.”

“INTROVERT: I can convert oxygen into carbon dioxide in just a matter of 1 second.”

“I am nervous, shy, worry-wort. What are my biggest anxiety triggers? The future, comparing myself to others, people’s perception of me, friends/ relationships. Socializing: for example at work, the small talk with customers, what questions I’ll get and if I’ll have the answer.”

“I’m afraid to love You because every time I’ve tried to love, I’ve failed. I worry I won’t be enough to make you stay.”

“I’m the girl you want back when I no longer want you. When you text me and I don’t respond. When you call me and I don’t pick up. When you tell me that you miss me and I don’t feel a thing.”

“Someone gets me: I’m normal, I’m unique, I’m powerful.”

“People don’t understand how stressful it is to explain what’s going on in your head when you don’t even understand it yourself.”

“If your goal in life is to find a BF/GF, your life seems pretty boring. And if you feel sad and incomplete, lovelife is not the solution. You need to be happy by yourself, you need to be a whole person.”

“Am I the only one that feels numbness in this life? It’s like if you don’t have a major passion, something that really feeds your soul, then you simply live bored. Since I discovered writing for example, life seems worth living.”

“Instead of searching for someone who makes you feel complete, find something that makes you feel complete. A hobby. A passion.

“Thank you for letting me understand that it is not easy but it’s not going to be easier if I keep clinging on to what we have, no matter how beautiful it was. Thank you for reminding me that people come and go but life goes on.”


“I have gotten to the point where I say ‘Look, I love you, but you need to know some things.’ Some people appreciate my honesty. Others feel like I hit them in the face with a bag of bricks.”

“Don’t you just love it when you are pretty open-minded about certain things going on in your life and around you and someone comes along and says you aren’t being open-minded again? Or when you have a tight schedule that you’re trying to follow for the day so you can get everything done and go home to bed and someone says you need to be more flexible? An INFJ generally is about as flexible as a steel I-beam.”

“Asking an INFJ to be more flexible about certain situations is like asking steel I-beam to bend at a 90 degree angle.”

“It would be so lovely if you could just slam and forget, but we INFJs just can’t compartmentalize things that way. There is always regret about who we could not fix or heal.”

“Before you assume that a quiet person is rude, ask yourself if there could be something else going on.”

“Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Tell me why I cannot remember the details of yesterday, but I can replay the tapes inside my  head of all the mistakes, embarrassing moments, terribly, regrettable moments from my whole life. I know the nuances of each one. Somehow I expect a different ending, a way for the humiliation to disappear. The tapes never change and still feel the same now as I did twenty years ago.”

“The crazy things is, I have to think really hard to remember what I ate yesterday, yet I can recall every embarrassing, awful, regretful thing I ever said or did during my childhood with absolute crystal clarity. INFJ insanity indeed.”

“After having been broken by a certain person, a part of me is forever lost; even for others. It’s something I’ve no control over. I’m a survivor and I’ll anyhow put myself back together, but that which remains gone from me never finds its way back. I wish I didn’t give some people that much power over me.”


“Conflict even online can be the root cause of my entire body shutting down. Too often I have to sign offline for a day or two just to recuperate.”

“I used to be so hard on myself for acting differently with different people. It’s like I had no one fixes personality of my own. Add to the fact that a few people pointed this out to me and called me fake. I was burdened for a long time, trying to mold myself into someone who could fit into a define description. But I’m glad I never succeeded in that.”

“Since I rarely make the first move in any interaction, I really do appreciate people who initiate conversation. But there is always this little voice in the back of my head doubting their words, and wondering if they have injurious intentions.”

“I have always felt a bit too alien for this world. I like to watch the world as it goes by, marveling at the sheer phenomena of it all. I do not feel human sometimes and that’s okay. I’m half stardust anyway.”

“I am firm believer that such a place exists, not in my mind, but in reality too. A place where words mean exactly as they are and not have some hidden meaning. A place where individuality is appreciated, not pointed fingers at. A place where you feel yourself, rather than others making you feel someone you are not.”

“The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.”

“I’m an Introvert not an asshole. Of course, I want to be your friend but I just never want to see or talk to you.”

“Though our approach to others is always from a loving and understanding perspective, make no mistakes, INFJ’s are brutal with the truth when pushed to give it. And we know it. For years, I have cautioned others to never asked me a question you are not prepared to hear the answer to. Know why? Because I will tell you in no uncertain terms. INFJ’s leave no wiggle room in their unloading of truth. You will have no doubt of their feelings and where they stand. Just make sure you are steeled in your stance and ready to heart it.”


I am strong.
I am worthy of real love.
I am not my past.
I am not what my abuser has tried to tell me I am.
I will not be destroyed.
I am not afraid to continue forward.
I can, and will, love again.
I am loved.
I am a survivor.


TAKE A STEP IN MY shoes and you will find a strength you never knew. It is not weakness to love beyond measure even when the love is not returned. It is not a weakness to be an emotionally driven individual. The strength required to bear the burdens of those around us; who tend to confide all their darkest secrets, would crush more others. So no, weak we are not!

I may look as if I am silently sitting, doing nothing. In my mind, I am contemplating the meaning of all existence; the purpose of all life; the reason for my being. You may even attempt to speak to me, and if I answer, while deep in contemplation, I do not remember what I said, as my thoughts were in a different realm even though my body was here. You may think I have done nothing, all the while, I am exhausted from the lengths of my wanderings.

Our inner turmoil of existential crisis after existing crisis is enough to keep us busy.

There was a time when I used to pray, but it didn’t last long as I succumbed into the dark forces of life. When I prayed, I never did it for myself. I always prayed for a better world, for my love ones and the humanity in general. Praying for myself always felt selfish to me. Whenever someone asks me if I need something for myself, all I’m left with is and empty mind.

And if I asked you to name all things that you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?

I’m the kind of person who believes that only truth can serve us as humans. It has the power to change things, situations, and scenarios. I often say the truth to everyone’s face and tell them how their reality is. Some get offended and some not. I also lie because I’m not perfect and give in to the world and the lies it’s filled with. But deep down, my conscience always haunts me. Over the years, I’ve made some enemies and some hypocritical friends. I knew I’ll find them down the truth lane because that is what differentiates between the real and the fake.


My life is just one constant battle between wanting to be alone, but not wanting to be lonely.

Alone, inside my house, my sanctuary, my peace. Contented at peace. I am not lonely here; the places my mind wanders know who I am. And we are all friends. Among, the energy suckers of the world of the cruel, the psychopaths and narcissists, that is when my loneliness sets in. I am a stranger in the middle of such people. It is hard to live in the world that sees the comfort of ones own surroundings as lonely and being surrounded by groups as happiness. For the mind of the introvert, and of the empathy, we are never lonely when we are alone.

Alone and lonely are not the same! I’m alone most of the time but infrequently lonely. I wish people would stop equating them or presenting them as though lonely is an inherent side effect of being alone. Remember, the worst loneliness is found surrounded by the wrong people.

INFJ’s are gifted with words; inspiring, meaningful and rhythmic.

In the deep night, while others sleep, my mind wanders far off the edges of the universe, into the realms of the unknown. It wanders into puzzle and problems, seeking to find solutions for each one or replaying over each day events to see if somehow, someway, I may have said or did something wrong. When it wanders so far I cannot stop it, I can only wish for a stop button so that I could finally sleep.

Now if my brain would switch off and stop wandering at night, that would be great!

I have loved others in the deepest recessed of my heart, far more than many others, even if it is never reciprocated. I have felt the deep fears and sadness of others, when bombarded by their emotional states. My own emotional combined with my need for rational thought, push me forward through the world. Who else could live in constant contradiction? In love, I have been accused of being weak, however, in love, in my emotions, I prove my strength.


I choose to be kind because it makes me happy. But I will defend my boundaries and my loveones without hesitation. Make no mistake, I am fierce..

I don’t like to just hook up. It’s not that I haven’t. It just doesn’t feel good. I’m looking for someone who can see me for more than just a sex doll. I’m looking for someone I call fall head over heels over. And I’m looking for someone who I can live happily ever after with. That’s my forever fantasy.

As an empath, I’m sensitive to every little detail. The guilt I feel can be mind torturing to the extent that I self harm. To put coal into the burning fire. I’m gifted with anxiety. My mind blocks every other feeling and all I can feel is depression. All I yearn for is a loving soul who comes to me and says, “It will be okay. I promise.”

We punished ourselves for reasons we don’t understand, for crimes we didn’t commit, for far longer than is justified. At some point, it’s got to be okay, to say what you need. What you need, not what you think is acceptable, not what you are told is expected of you. What you need. I am giving you permission, you can stop punishing yourself. It’s okay. I promise.

Heaven knows the numbers of times I’ve tried to change. At night before I sleep, I try to kill the person I was, in a hope to wake up as a different person. At present I don’t. I’ve made peace. I’ve suppressed my urge to change because it only has an adverse affect on me. What I concluded was that I cannot change the person I was meant to be. I have to accept myself the way I am in order to get the best out of me.

Some years back, I tried my best to keep busy, to avoid solitude, to not go into deep contemplations, to not follow my intuition. In other words, I tried not to be me. Looking back, I realize I was wrong to strip myself off of my individuality. I’m facing the consequences now but I do not believe that it’s never too late. I still have hope. Since then, I never looked back. I strived hard to be me. I do lose the sense of individuality ever now and then, but that does not mean I can’t go on. I have to. I have to, for myself. Because I’m living my life and I will try my best to keep every inch of it sacred.



In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms..

-Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
-Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
-Exaggerating your achievements and talents
-Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty of the perfect mate
-Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
-Requiring constant admiration
-Having a sense of entitlement
-Expecting special favours and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
-Taking advantage of others to get what you want
-Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
-Being envious of others and believing others envy you
-Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner.



You may demanded the truth. You wanted no less than my honesty. I warned you before I spoke a word that the truth might hurt, may even burn, but you insisted always, anyways. Now, as I have laid the truth before you, you call it bullshit. It is so hard to see what is real that it was easier to believe the lies than to witness the truth.

Dear Introverts,
Be confident in your quiet. You might change the world.

The very thing that seems so often to be the biggest curse in my life is actually my greatest gift and the most wonderful blessing my Creator could give me, what is it? I’m INFJ. It hurts so deeply to be me, and yet I get to help others in ways they never imagined. Accepting them as they are instead of demanding that they change if they want to embraced as “important.” I live in the middle, never knowing which side will dominate the day, my mind with its undeniable logic, or my emotions with their ability to endlessly bodyslam me like a wrestler, even as they embrace someone else and bring them peace.

A single INFJ standing alone in life is a person at war within himself. Tired. Weary. One who is constantly being torn in two by the heart and the mind. An INFJ’s very existence calls him to make sense of everything (overthink much?) and to love without measure (oh if only the users wore little cat bells around necks!). It is nearly impossible to reconcile the mind and heart. So INFJ’s ride all the waves in life. Will we surf? Will we swim? Will we be knocked off our feet by a wave we never see coming? Will we choke in the undercurrent? Will a shark eat us whole? In a word: YES!

I Like being alone because I like all the same things I like..


Sometimes it’s hard to differentiate between life happening to me and me. Just happening to live. It’s very much a perspective shift and decision to move from pity to prosperity. It’s my life and I choose to not hand the keys to my happiness to anyone or anything else. This road may be messy but it’s a heck of a lot more fun.

The best thing you can do is master the chaos within you. You are not throwin into the fire. You are the fire.

As INFJ’s, we often feel like aliens stuck in a human body. It’s an otherworldly experience to inhabit this world as an outsider or a fly on the wall.

TEXTROVERT (n.) a person who is expressive and funny in texts but shy in person.

Me: I’m waiting for the phone to stop ringing so I can text you and ask you what you want.

Me:Maybe I don’t cry but it hurts. Maybe I won’t say but I feel. Maybe I don’t show but I care.

Friend: So do you have any plans this weekend?
Me: I’m just going to hang-out at home.
Friend: Ah, so no plans yet.
Me: What? I just told you my plans..

I basically have two moods: Either let’s do something spontaneous and awesome, or let’s lie in bed all day and forget the world exists.

I just like to be left alone sometimes. No, I’m not angry. No, I’m not sad. I just like to be alone.

As auxiliary Extroverted feelers (FE), INFJ’s will always choose to be kind to others, and put their needs ahead of their own. But we are still dominant introverted intuits (Ni) and hence bound to our personal principles that essentially protect the greater good. If those boundaries are crossed, you better be ready for a war, because our niceness will quickly wither away and our meanness will silence all who stand in our path towards righting what has been wronged.