People with this name
have a deep inner desire to lead, organize, supervise, and to achieve status,
power and wealth.
People with this name
tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful
personalities. They tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth
of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with
efficiency and determination. They tend to be courageous and sometimes
C- apacity
Beyond Imagination
You are spirit children of the most creative being in the
universe. Isn’t it remarkable to think that your very spirits are
fashioned by an endlessly creative and eternally compassionate God? Your
spirit body is a masterpiece, created with the beauty, function, and capacity
beyond imagination.”
O- ne Clear Voice
Your One clear voice
Whispers words of wisdom
R- ejoice
Your life is full of your great decisions to rejoice
N- Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence
Your persistence can make miracles start to happen. And
when you find that you have succeeded in accomplishing whatever it is you set
out to accomplish; look back and recognize that this was the result of your
persistence finally paying off.
E-njoying and
What an important reminder! It is so easy to get sucked into
the business of life and the stresses that surround us to the point that we go
into endurance mode and we genuinely forget that the purpose of life is to
enjoy it! Thank you, Cornelio for showing me how to enjoy and endure life!
L-ife Goes on
Everytime I read your fb post, I always reminded by this
word, “Life definitely goes on!”
Each night, force to think about what inspired you that
day. But don’t forget that there are people out there who really inspired
by your life, so keep on inspiring!
Okay, so every part of you is not as perfect as the men on
the cover of men’s health – but neither are theirs!! It’s called airbrushing
and photoshop people. No one is flawless, on the outside nor the inside. Yes,
you are fabulous and amazing and wonderful. You are unique in a million
different ways. And yes you have flaws, but who doesn’t??
LIO, There's
something exceptional about you.
You were made to boldly push the limits.
To bravely seize the baton. To forever change the world
around you.
With God strengthening your every step, the
promises are limitless and the
possibilities are life-changing. Don't wait
another minute.
Reach for something new.
Find out how Unstoppable you can truly be.
Go IMG! Go Lio!
(March 07, Saturday)