Saturday, May 16, 2020


“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all of your heart.”
-Jeremiah 29:13

As a boy growing up in his native China, William sang about the grace of God. But it was not until his solitary confinement in prison that he began to understand what grace means. His mother was an American missionary who married a cultured Chinese medical doctor. Together they served God, teaching their children to know and serve Him.

Then came the 1966 Cultural Revolution when thousands of families were torn apart by Mao’s Red Guards. William’s parents were sent to prison; his father died mysteriously in what prison officials termed a “work-related” accident. William was sent to prison along with his sisters. His crime: being an unrepentant person who confessed Jesus Christ as His Lord.

After his release, William wrote to a friend saying” “What I missed most more than anything else are the intense, quiet moments with Christ that I have not known since the anguish of the days while I was in solitary confinement!”

There is a facet of God’s care and concern which we experience in times of pain and loss. It is the comfort of God’s care and concern which we experience in times of pain and loss. It is the comfort of God’s spirit which is lets us sense the warmth of God’s care and concern. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). There is help for our hurt, relief for our pain, and hope for our despair. This fact is called the “Grace of God.” Grace is not something which is dispensed in response to our moral goodness. It is given to anyone who will seek God with all his heart.

Have you ever tasted the grace of God? When trouble knocks at your door, you’ve got to hang around long enough to be willing to receive the grace of God freely offers.

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