Saturday, February 8, 2025


 TMAD stands for "Two Meals a Day," meaning you only eat two meals within a specific eating window each day, essentially creating a fasting period between those two meals; it's a form of intermittent fasting where you restrict your eating to a shorter window, typically around 8 hours, and fast for the remainin

How to do TMAD:

Choose your eating window:

Decide on an 8-hour period where you will eat your two meals, like 12pm-8pm. 

Plan your meals:

Ensure your two meals are nutritionally balanced and include a good source of protein, healthy fats, and fiber. 

Fast during non-eating window:

Avoid consuming any calories outside of your chosen eating window, except for water and unsweetened beverages. 

Important points to consider:

Listen to your body:

If you experience any negative symptoms like excessive hunger, dizziness, or fatigue, adjust your eating window or consult a healthcare professional. 

Hydrate well:

Drink plenty of water and unsweetened beverages during your fasting window to stay hydrated.

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