Anything that is right is possible. That which
is necessary will inevitably take place. If something is right it is your duty
to do it, though the whole world thinks it to be wrong. “God and one are always
a majority,” or in plain words, that omnipotent interior law which is God, and
the organism that represents you is able to conquer the whole world if your
cause is absolutely just.
Say this prayer:
Let the troubles and responsibilities of life
come thick and fast. I am ready for them. My soul is unconquerable. I represent
the Infinite Law of Force, or of all power. This God within is my all
sufficient strength and ever present help in time of trouble. The more difficulties,
the greater its triumphs through me. The harder my trials, the faster I go in
the development of my inherent strength. Let all else fail me. This interior
reliance is all sufficient. The right must prevail. I demand wisdom and power
to know and follow the right. My higher self is all wise. I now draw nearer to
it. Amen.