Sunday, February 3, 2019



“Safety and Health is Productivity.”

“You are responsible for your own heath. You have the freedom and power to choose. Prevention of all forms of diseases and disorders is done best with self-control and self-mastery. If all else fails, cure follows.” –R.E.De Joya

“Our immune system strengthens when we are committed to our goals that turn on our talents and passion; our strength. It is weakened when we act counter to our deeper valued and conscience.” –R.E. De Joya

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes us healthy, wealthy, and wise.” –Rudy Lara, my Godfather

“You are a Physician. Every one is a hero in his/her own way. You save every single life in every single day.” –From my first patient last September 2012, R.E.De Joya

“All programming for prosperity should be built on spiritual foundation. Find out what you are here for, what you are supposed to do in your life.” –Jose Silva

“Vegetarian is Healthier: Please allow your servants a 10 days trial, during which we are given only vegetables to eat and water to drink. You can then compare our looks with those of the boys who eat the king’s food; go by what you see. When the 10 days were over, (Daniel and company) looked better and fatter than any of the boys who had eaten the meaty food.” –Daniel 1:12-15

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” –Benjamin Franklin

“Patients are the purpose of our work, they are not a hindrance. We are not doing them a favor by serving them, they are doing us a favor by allowing us to serve them.”

“Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.”

“The great thing about medical education is that it teaches you how to learn, because every case and every patient is different.” –Taryn Rose, CEO of Taryn Rose International

“The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.” –Tony Robbins

“It’s far more important to know what person the disease has, than what the disease the person has.” –Hippocrates

“First cleanse the inside.”  -Matthew 23:26

“Business is about people. Always be good to people. Know what motivates them. Know what inspires them. The harder you work, the more luck you seem to have. The key to success is identifying talented individuals and harnessing their efforts.” –Anonymous, inspired by Christian Grey, Fifty Shades of Grey

“There is a difference between joy and happiness. Joy is what comes out from the inside, while happiness depends on happenings.” –Zig Ziglar

God Bless YOU..

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