Sunday, February 3, 2019


“We who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory.”
Ephesians 1:12

It happens every day. A car is proceeding down the highway when another vehicle pulls directly into its path. There is the screech of tires as brakes are jammed on, but it is too late. The sickening thud is followed by the tearing of metal and the shattering of glass, punctuated with the screams of suffering. A broken, bruised body is pulled from the twisted wreckage, and soon an ambulance is racing towards the hospital.

The family arrives and waits the outcome of the life in balance. Finally, the doctors walk out to greet the family. Without thinking, the words leap out, “Doctor, is there hope?”

To the Corinthians, Paul wrote, “And now remains faith, hope and love…” If Paul were writing today, do you suppose he would still say, “And now remains hope?”

Many of us today are gripped with a quiet despair, uncertain of the future, wondering if there is hope for our generation. Science and technology have united to produce the greatest arsenal of death-producing weapons the world has ever known. Add to this, the problems of food shortages, the energy crisis and a host of other difficulties.

Where shall we look for hope? Moscow, Peking, Geneva, Bonn, Washington or the UN? Little hope ebbs from the capitals of the world, but there is hope in a world considered hopeless by many.

The Bible says there is no hope in the heart of man apart from the hope that comes through faith in God. Faith becomes the doorway that provides hope for the future, and that makes my life now worth living. Think about it.
God Bless Us..

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