Friday, September 6, 2024


 i hope you have the courage to choose yourself over & over.

i hope you have the courage to move forward not backwards.

to choose growth over comfort, to choose possiblity over the past.

i hope you know how worthy you are of everything you've wanted even if an unkind heart has cause you to believe otherwise.

your soft heart deserves to feel loved & chosen not just today but everyday.

i hope you wake up each day feeling hopeful & encouraged knowing that you're so capable of every single thing you want to do big or small.

i hope you remember to think beyond your comfort zone from time to time & never forget the importance of growth.

i hope you remember that progression isn't always easy & sometimes the things that scare you will actually get you a lot closer to where you want to be.

i hope you make the most of each day & know that you are worthy of the life you are gifted, that you are worthy of success & deserve all the triumphs you've worked so hard for & all beautiful things coming your way.

you are born to win & victorious forever.

& the darkness that disturbs your peace of mind, you can defeat it right under your feet.

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