Saturday, March 2, 2019


“Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Have you experienced starting something, pouring your body and soul into a cause – and then begin to wonder whether it was worth the time and effort? We describe it as discouragement.” Webster defines it as “that which causes one to weaken.”

Discouragement is a prelude to one of the most devastating of all maladies, known as “quit-it is.” If you can recognize the symptoms of this malady, then you can do something about it.

Notice, first of all, that discouragement almost always comes when you are physically fatigued.

Years ago, a fiery prophet named Elijah met the prophets of Baal and thundered forth the judgment of God. He won single-handedly, but became physically tired. As a result, he turned and ran to the wilderness of Horeb. Discouragement turned to quit-it is as he declared, “Lord, just let me die. I am no better than the prophets before me.”

Secondly, notice the discouragement is extremely contagious. Charles Jones, is a very successful businessman. He has sold more insurance in a few years than many men sell in a lifetime. When asked if he ever gets discouraged, Jones replied, “Sure, I do, but I can’t afford to let you know – we’ll just discouraged each other.”

Thirdly, discouragement is an enemy which does battle with faith. Martin Luther defined faith as “a lively, reckless confidence in God.” Faith says, “I can visualize what I want to accomplish, or I am willing to trust God for…” Discouragement out, “It is not worth it.”

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