Monday, October 2, 2017


He is like a tree planted near running water that yield its fruit in due season. Whatever he does, he prospers.
-Psalm 1:3

I used to think that running is one of the worst metaphors for life. As many runners would agree in order to race easy, we have do trained hard. This is painful, yes, but also simple and reliable. Life on the contrary, is more complicated than this. Life makes no guarantees regardless of our effort, and is also rather fond of overlooking our plans.

I found myself asking if this is losing: receiving little and giving much? I always thought that giving your best meant winning it all, but what about the moments when our best gets rejected and we end up disappointing and disappointed? Perhaps it has something to do with being more concerned about the development of the dreamer, in the same way that the run will always be more important than the race.

Just like a tree planted by streams of water, may we never tire of being kind and kinder, of doing good and better, of loving much and more, regardless of how we are received and reciprocated.

-Michael Caya

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